Monday 13 August 2012

Oh why hello there, it is a pleasure to make your aquaintance

Dear Blog,

It is late at night here at the moment, or early in the morning - depends on whether you're a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty kind of inanimate object - and I decided to write a post before hitting the hay and calling it a night ...

Upon writing the last 8 words I had a mental image of myself giving a bail of hay a good whack with a speech bubble above my head ---> "I hereby call you A Night"
Yes ... I know what you are thinking ... What an awesome name for a bail of hay.

Anyway... So as promised, here's a little bit about myself - The Socially Challenged Brunette.

It was a couple of months ago when I first got the idea for this blog - and where better a place than in a school toilet. You see, the thing is, that there was a line of people waiting to use the loo. As usual there was that awkward tension between everyone in the lavatory. I was next in line to relieve my bladder, when I looked up and caught the gaze of the person directly across from myself (as we'd both looked up at the same time and it's a small bathroom so it wasn't unusual to find yourself eye-to-eye with another being). We both smiled to acknowledge eachother and be polite and friendly.
That last word got me thinking. And a scenario formed inside my branius maximus where a person (such as myself) were to try to befriend someone in a similar situation. Let's face it; it's the kind of thing I would do.

So ... yadda yadda yadda ... started thinking about other awkward things I've done ... yadda yadda yadda ...  and henceforth created this Blog! Ha ha ha ha ;D

If you have poor observation skills, I am a brunette. I have eyes that change colour. I sometimes am referred to as a "walking mood ring" (my eyes change colour depending on my mood). I am of an average-ish height. And most importantly ... I like pie.

I will now proceed to hit the hay and call it a night.