Wednesday 12 December 2012

Child or adult? a bizarre train of thought...

So I just wanted to open this post with a nice little piece of wisdom:

"If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0"

Or perhaps a joke:

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't"

... and it has occurred to me that it possibly is extremely sad that I found these two things (among others from this website: quite funny - just goes to show im a bit nerdy ... semicolon+close-bracket


Anyway, to the point of this post ----> If I had to choose between being an adult or a child, I would most definitely choose to be a child.

But why did I even come to be pondering this question in the first place? Well I was in the car with my dad taking my sister to school, and I was off in La-La Land as per usual, thinking about a million different things at once, and that just seemed to pop into my head.

Maybe that's my answer because I never really want to loose the ability to think like a kid (not a goat) - I find the world so much more amazing that way.


I once asked someone if they thought I was normal ... to which they replied "normal is overrated", a phrase which I have remembered ever since.
Not to get all lovey-dovey, but I believe everyone is amazing in their own ways, so why be normal when you can be you?! :)


Sorry this post isn't very socially awkward - I will try to be a more awkward person tomorrow, which probably won't be hard given there are tradies coming to install stuff in my house and that always ends in me being weird! XP


Roses are #FF0000 , Violets are #0000FF , All my base belongs to you


I really love those jokes... XD


I don't know why I'm so excited about separating things with stars at the moment ... but I am!

^See I'm such a child hahaha

So ... a child I will stay ^_^
(except when in social circumstances where it is befitting that I behave like an