Saturday 25 May 2013

Radio Playlist - 1


So my school has a radio room (boo-yah!) and I get to play music in it sometimes.
I wasn't to put a list of my radio playlists somewhere, so why not here? :P

Here is the first playlist I made which I played about a fortnight ago :)

You'll Be Mine (ft. R3hab) ~ Havana Brown
Infectious ~ Fonik
Euphoria ~ Loreen
Kiss With a Fist ~ Florence + The Machine
Airplanes (ft. Hayley Williams) ~ B.O.B
Surround ~ In-Flight Safety
Our Perfect Disease ~ The Wombats
Up All Night ~ One Direction
No Consequences ~ VersaEmerge
Just A Dream ~ Nelly
The Ballad of Mona Lisa ~ Panic! at the Disco
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) ~ Katy Perry
Plans ~ Birds of Tokyo
Jungle ~ Emma Louise
Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever) ~ The Ready Set


I'm as red as a red tomato.

Aloha Bloggerinos :)

I am a tomato. Or rather, I blush like a red tomato.

Blushing is the physiological occurrence of temporary redness of the face as an emotional response.
(definition from - because I do my research)
But for me, blushing is just a mega embarrassing occurrence in which I feel like putting a paper bag over my head. Is it really necessary to make my face completely rouge?

If someone says something slightly flirty to me, I go bright red.

If someone gives me a compliment, I go bright red.

If I sit too long in the sun, I go bright red.

There is just no winning!

Monday 13 May 2013

21 Questions Game!

I am really bored and have the attention span of a gnat, so I Googled "21 Questions".
Apparently you're supposed to play this game with your partner ... well I'm single but I'm going to do it anyway

This is one of the lists that Yahoo Answers (funny - I Googled it and Yahoo appeared ... oh dear) came up:

1. What was your favourite Halloween costume and why?
Hmm ... my fav Halloween costume ... I've never really dressed up that much for Halloween, and I can't remember any costumes I've seen others dressed as (see, brain of a gnat) but I do remember one year my sister dressed up as a corpse bride. She was so cute in her little costume (she was about 7 years old at the time) and I did her makeup and she looked so freakishly adorable! She wasn't happy with the makeup, but I think it looked pretty close to a corpse bride :P

 2. If you could have dinner with any three people from any time, fictional or non-fictional, who would they be and why?
I was asked this question by a teacher recently, but I can't remember what my answer was....
Buuuuuut I guess I'd have to choose:
(a) Albert Einstein: he is one of the most amazing people of all time and I would love to meet him and listen to all the things he'd say. He is one of my role models and my hair is so crazy that I swear we must be distantly related.
(b) Channing Tatum: so I can perv on him all night ... I mean, err, I'm sure he has some very wise bits of knowledge too...
(c) People always say "Adolf Hitler, because he was so influential in time and he had a funny moustache.." However, I would very muchly prefer to have lunch with Dr Who because he IS the most influential person in time, in my opinion. I would have to have it with the Eleventh Doctor though because he's my favourite one.

 3. If you could be invisible, where would you go and what would you do?
I would probably just find some nice place to sit and spend my whole day watching people.
This sounds ridiculously stalker-ish, but I find human behaviour so interesting, and watching people when you're not invisible gets awkward because they really do think you're a stalker...

 4. If your life was turned into a movie, what actor would play you?
Pffft I can act .... yeah ..... seriously I can .... I promise .... yeah .....

 5. What made you laugh the hardest in your entire life?
When I was in a Friday afternoon double maths lesson with one of my friends earlier this year, and we were solving tricky derivative questions (I think...) and we kept getting the answers wrong. But as we continued to, he kept getting more and more frustrated. Class ended, but he was determined to finish this one question, so I waited for him. He was entering the last few digits into the calculator, pressed 'enter' then ... "Syntax Error". He leapt out of his seat as he yelled out a word I will not repeat, dropped his calculator and threw his pencil so hard at the desk that it rebounded and flew off somewhere. His face was bright red. It was just such a fantastic reaction after that maths lesson that I just couldn't stop laughing. I felt kind of bad for him, but it's ok because we got the right answer eventually :)

 6. What's your favourite childhood memory?
I tend to remember the traumatising childhood memories most ... particularly when I accidently flushed my favourite dummy down the toilet ... I was about three years old and the first thing I said was "Mummy get it?"

 7. If you were a waiter and a customer was being rude, would you spit in their food?
NO! If a customer was being rude I'd ask them to leave. I would never spit in someone's food, no matter how tempting. I don't like spitting.

 8. What is your deepest regret?
Being too afraid to try new things - things that would take me out of my comfort zone. I've always been one who over-evaluates the risks and then misses out on great opportunities.

 9. Have you ever dated someone from another race? Would you?
Yeah ... an alien.
Joking!! But I did date a Portuguese guy for over a year. I have nothing against other races, everyone should be given the opportunity to be themselves without being judged.

 10. What was your first date like?
It was totally awkward because I was 14 or 15 years old and my dad was really freaking out about it, so he made my mum come with us! We went to the movies: he and I sat at the back and my mum sat several rows and to one side in-front of us.
 11. What's the worst lie you ever told? Did you get caught?
I don't lie ... except in bed ;)

 12. If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman, how would you spend your day?
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ^I am a female lol. I would do what I normally do - clean the kitchen, iron and complain that I still had so much to do (I'm not even an adult and I already complain).

 13. How do you handle people you don't like?
I just either be polite but avoid much conversation, or just ignore them. Depends how much I don't like them :P

 14. Would you rather be smart and ugly or dumb and beautiful?
Can't I have the best of both?!

 15. Do you have a sexual fantasy no one else knows about?
LOLWUT?! Why did I pick these questions without reading them all O_O
Umm ... I don't really think about that stuff

 16. What's the difference between sex and making love?

 17. If you could change the age at which you lost your virginity, would you? Would it be younger or older and why?
I ... don't ... think ... this ... is ... what ... the ... heck ... I ... don't ... even ... I ... haven't ... lost ... wtf?!

 18. What's the craziest place you ever had sex?
Seriously wondering why I picked these questions T_T

 19. Have you ever had sex with someone when you didn't really want to?

 20. What turns you on? Turns you off?
A light switch ... didn't I tell you, I'm secretly a lamp.

 21. Have you ever cheated on your partner? Did this person ever find out, and if so, what happened?
No because I would never do that - and I hope that no one would ever do that to me either!
Well even though this was meant to be a bit of harmless fun to kill some time, even this blog post ended up being awkward. Well, I feel awkward now.
I don't even ... what ... I can't ... fathom ... what ... just ... happened?! O_O#