Thursday 12 July 2012

I had dinner with Jake Gyllenhaal!!

Ok, well my first post in this new blog/theme/whatever was originally going to be an introduction-type post where I basically introduce a bit about myself and explain the title of this blog.

However, I hadn't got around to doing that yet ... Obviously...
And I absolutely HAD to post this ASAP!!!

So, without further ado here's the goss:

I had dinner with none other than JAKE GYLLENHAAL!!!! \(*o*)/  ----- *starstruck*

Ok, so that's a bit of an exaggeration ... I had dinner and Gyllenhaal was in the same restaurant ...
Even that is an exaggeration...
Down to the facts:

Almighty Fact Number One: I had dinner at a restaurant, really lovely food
Almighty Fact Number Two: There was a large table of guys there - like twenty of them
Almighty Fact Number Three: One of the guys at that table looked like Jake Gyllenhaal

I'm not even kidding - he looked so much like Gyllenhaal!!!

Here's where it gets awkward ...
I have a tendency to stare at people. Yup. Not good, I know. But I did...
And he saw...
There was a clear view from my seat to his - all I had to do was look up and BAM! I could see him.

I got really excited at the thought that it was actually Jake Gyllenhaal - even though all logic told me it wasn't - that I started grinning. Grinning. A lot.
So I tried to keep my head down so he wouldn't see me grinning.
It was very embarrassing!!!

Jake Gyllenhaal, if you ever read this, I would just like to say that you are really awesome ... and warning you have a doppelganger in Australia who has a tattoo on his neck and eats at cute little Turkish restaurants.

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