Friday 19 October 2012

Stomach grumbles...

Hello there fellow bloggerinos,

I was pondering in the shower (as many great minds do) about romance movies.

There always is a scene or two where the protagonist and the romantic item of the story come together and cuddle and kiss and perhaps whisper sweet-nothings in eachother's ears ...

Well, that's all good and jolly, but all those people in the movies share that "perfect moment".

And, believe me, that perfect moment is the best feeling in the world - when you're hugging the person you love and the world seems right ... until you get the tummy grumbles.

Yes - the dreaded, horrible grumbling of ones stomach that is neither subtle nor quiet.

Why must the stomach ruin the beautiful moment!?

It always seems to happen to me - I don't know if anyone else experiences the same symptons of embrassment as I do, but surely it's not normal!

Can you imagine this perfect scene in your mind, where you are lying in a meadow of luscious green grass, below an old oak tree, intently looking deeply into your sparkling vampiric boyfriend's eyes ... and suddenly Kristen Stewart's stomach growls extraordinarily loudly like a fog horn!

A perfectly embarassing one...

Well that's effectively what it's like for me with my boyfriend (believe it or not, I have one, and he's very handsome and wonderful!)

But I am sick and tired of having to apologise for the orchestric tones of my stomach ... it only happens after we've been hugging for a while ... so either hugs and stuff are going to have to be cut short, or i'm going to have to Sue my stomach for inappropriate usage of tummy-rumbles....

Sunday 7 October 2012

I might be brunette, but some days I really am blonde....

Hey there fellow bloggerinos,
                             (^Like it? I came up with it myself hehe)

As the title of this post suggests, sometimes I really am not the smartest of folks (nothing against blondes - there are a lot of really intelligent people I know who have blonde hair, and for the record at one stage my hair was partially blonde lol).

Anyway, I was in the shower today (keeping hygenic) and I remembered this and it was funny so I decided to share it :P
My "Blonde Story" goes like this...

Back in a month a couple of years ago, I was sitting quietly in the lounge room with my father when I happened to notice that there was a show on the television which had people running down a cliff. It appeared to be a team sport since the contestants had different coloured shirts. There was a red team and a blue team. As my father turned on the volume of this perculiar show, I saw a label on the screen which informed the viewers what was playing. "The Biggest Loser" was the name of the show.
As I watched, I noticed that the people in the show all varied in weight and seemed to be struggling to complete the mountain run.

The clockwork in my brain began to tick.

I thought about the name of the show in correspondence with the nature of the game.
The Biggest Loser...
And that's when I realised what a horrible show this was.
These poor people on the show were being made to compete so that viewers could watch and find out who the most loser-y of the contestants was! And somewhere poeple were probably laughing about them!!

I was disgusted. How could people be so cruel.

After about fifteen minutes of watching this, I decided I could stand it nolonger.
I had to voice my opinion.

With confidence I said to my father, "What an idiotic show! Making fun of these people! To see who the biggest loser of the group is! No one should be told they are a loser!"

It was at this moment that my father explained to me what the show ACTUALLY was...
He told me that it was a "weight-loss" show and that people went on the show and were trained for a while with special gym-trainers. What we were watching was one of the weekly challenges. The reason why it was called "The Biggest Loser" was because at the end of the show, there are prizes for the person who has lost the greatest amount of fat compared to their original weight (a percentage count).

Didn't I feel silly...

P.S. For anyone who reads this, I need suggestions for a nickname to call someone named "André", any ideas????????